2015年10月19日 星期一

系統、文字、式子、圖表,報告層次;個案:Nanjing Never Cries

Deming 晚年提出他40~50年代就很熟悉的系統理論,並將之應用於組織/部門等等。他更強調:如果沒有目的/主旨等,就無法說它是一系統。
Drucker 在事業部門和目標管理等的論述,其實都隱含系統的觀念。

Drucker 和Deming 都是文字高手。

前者是靠寫作為生的。後者的文字也很好,譬如說我讀Deming 為其主編的書寫的序,真是嘆為觀止:
Shewhart, Walter A[ndrew]. (1939). Statistical method from the viewpoint of quality control. (W. Edwards Deming). Washington, D.C., The Graduate School, the Department of Agriculture

Peter Senge 多次贊美Dr. Deming:

 Peter Senge quotes Deming as saying “We will never transform the prevailing system of management without transforming our prevailing system of education. They are the same system.”

Great Quote: On System of Management by Deming

W. Edwards Deming, the pioneer and guru in quality revolution wrote the following paragraph when commenting on Peter Senge’s book “The Fifth Discipline” and it instantly struck the chord.
Our prevailing system of management has destroyed our people. People are born with intrinsic motivation, self-respect, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy in learning.
The forces of destruction begin with toddlers — a prize for the best Halloween costume, grades in school, gold stars — and on up through the university.  On the job people, teams, and divisions are ranked, reward for the top, punishment for the bottom. Management by Objectives, quotas, incentive pay, business plans, put together separately, division by division, cause further loss, unknown and unknowable.
The birth of an organization happens with a technical idea that solves a problem. It starts with creativity, passion and inventive thinking. When people start organizations, their sole interest is to focus on excellence to deliver best results. Success breeds success and somewhere in the growth process, the focus shifts from creativity and passion to profits and numbers. At one point, this focus on numbers becomes a chronic obsession. Organization starts being driven by numbers alone and the human aspects of work (respect for people, intrinsic motivation, creativity, innovation etc.) are pushed into the margins. Physical infrastructure gains prominence over emotional infrastructure.
Deming said this in 1990’s and still sounds so true in current context when we look at how our schools, colleges and organizations are being driven.

Drucker 的書,都以文字為主。Deming的,則還有很豐富的式子、圖表等等,真的是平衡的多元智能之表現。

Drucker 從科學史的教訓 (譬如說,1906年某德國人在實驗室合成的局部麻醉劑novocaine,原希望應用於截肢等外科手術,最後卻在牙醫界廣受歡迎),很重視由意外引起的新機會。他的優點是能從大處著眼,或先從總體經濟學出發。
一般經理人員看到報告或圖表等等,都有許多直覺可能是錯的。經理人看待非預期事件的慣常反應和態度 ("怎麼會這樣 (或差......)),是很值得探討的:
Deming 的人強調區分兩種重要的原因:機運/共同原因或非機遇原因造成的。此一推廣的管制圖原理,更是20世紀最了不起的原理之一。




個案:The MIT Press 成立Killian Press來出版Nanjing Never Cries

麻省理工出版社 破例為我中研院士出小說

2015-10-18 03:43:58 世界日報 記者唐嘉麗/波士頓報導

MIT數學系教授鄭洪將出版英文小說「南京不哭」。 (記者唐嘉麗/攝影)

著名物理學家、麻省理學院數學系教授鄭洪,15日與麻省理工學院出版社(MIT Press)正式簽約。他花十年時間完成的英文著作「南京不哭」(Nanjing Never Cries)將成為MIT Press破例出版的第一本小說。
「南京不哭」是一部300多頁、33章的英文小說。以中國抗戰、南京大屠殺為背景,故事主人翁是名麻省理工學院畢業的美國學生,和南京水上人家的女兒, 「南」是一部寫男女之戀、朋友之情、寫人性與真情的大時代故事。
去年,當他的朋友把小說初稿拿至MIT出版社時,當時的主任Ellen Faran立即回應:「我們是不出版小說的」。但她說也許能在出差時,在飛機上「翻翻」,然後給作者一些建議,「告訴鄭教授,不要等我的回音」。誰知兩個月後,鄭洪收到回音,Faran不但一字一句讀完小說,還仔細再讀一遍,決定破例要出版這部作品。而且為了有別只出版理工科技學術專書的MIT Press,決定以前校長命名,成立子公司「Killian Press」來出版「南京不哭」。 

