2015年11月8日 星期日

構想與決斷 The Rise of NEC By Koji Kobayashi, Peter Drucker (Foreword by)

構想與決斷 - 協志叢書

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構想與決斷-我在NEC的歲月. ISBN:978-957-9357-37-1 作者:小林宏治著/ 鄭慶昭譯 頁數:336 頁/ 平裝 出版社:協志工業叢書出版(股) 出版日期:1992年6月第一版

今日的潮流還沒有變成退潮之前,必須換乘明日的潮流,把新的生命力吹入事業內。因此不可在昨日之延長線上單純思考;需要從過去記取教訓,作為明日進步的基石。 日本電氣NEC公司名譽董事長小林宏治,將其立志獻身於崇高的理想,洞察時代的潮流趨勢,刻苦奮鬥,自我革新的經營實踐紀錄下來,對將肩負明日產業界的年輕人的思索與行動,有其參考助益。
小林 宏志,1907~1996,日本山梨縣人。1929年畢業於東京大學電氣工學部。同年就職日本電氣(NEC),1964年就任社長(總經理),1976年就任會長(董事長),1988年以後為日本電氣株式會社取締役名譽會長。 1939年獲得東京大學工學博士學位。也獲得了海外六大學授與榮譽博士。1987年被授與勳一等旭日大綬章。其他獲得國內外多數恩賞、功勞賞。 1977年率先提倡C & C ( Computer & Communication ) 的新構想,領導NEC致力於電腦與通信技術相結合,使NEC成為世界通信界的翹椘。 另外,擔任經濟團體連合會、科學技術與經濟之會、光產業技術振學會、羅馬俱樂部等各種業界團體或國際團體、學界的會長、委員等。 著作有《電腦時代的挑戰》、《七○年代的經營課題》(協志工業叢書)、《品質指向的經營》、《C﹠C是日本的智慧》、《C﹠C與軟體》、《C﹠C現代通信》以及《小林宏治—我的履歷書》等。

鄭慶昭,1929年生,台北市人。台灣師範大學英語學系畢業,美國哈佛大學事業經營研究院國際教師班結業。曾任大同工學院事業經營系教授兼系主任、大同公司北投廠廠長、大同公司協理。 譯著有:《恨世者》(協志工業叢書)、《公司為什麼會倒閉》(協志工業叢書)、《有效的經營者》(協志工業叢書)、《安東菲利浦斯》(協志工業叢書)、《斯巴達管理》(協志工業叢書)、《土光敏夫的經營哲學》(協志工業叢書)。

The Rise of NEC

How the World's Greatest C & C Company is Managed (Developmental Management S.)

By Koji Kobayashi, Peter Drucker (Foreword by)

Format: Hardback, 272 pages
Published In: , (Blackwell, Oxford 1991),  .United Kingdom, 07 November 1991

This is a comprehensive account of the rise of NEC, over a period of more than 20 years. It studies its development into a corporation with 25 plants in 15 countries with a turnover of more than 2.7 million yen. Koji Kobayashi is the prime example of the managers who have rebuilt Japanese industry. His strategy helped develop NEC into one of the world's most significant post war businesses and the leader in the computer and communication markets. This book represents both a "case study" for other managers, and an illustration of the art of long term planning and its importance on strategy.
Table of Contents

Part 1 Initiating: assuming the presidency; from point to circle; the operating division as corporate engine; starting the zero defects movement. Part 2 Consolidating: entering the communications era; setting our sights; becoming a billion dollar company; decentralizing plant locations; building a global network. Part 3 Reviewing: management as learning; corporate "growth" "character" and "perpetuation"; technology and society; finite global resources and zero growth; launching operation quality. Part 4 Renewing: the realignment of the computer industry; yesterday the East, today the West, tomorrow...; quality before quantity; from advanced system to distributed network; the spirit of self help; managing transition; digital switching and C & C; building the C & C business; change is opportunity; the challenge of software development; fiber optic communications; exploring the frontiers of space; the growth of the semiconductor business; the emergence of the personal computer; the transformation of hom electronics; becoming a global corporation. Part 5 Integrating: the changing information-communications market; divergence and convergence of R & D.

